Bhutan Board

AGM Notice

BBPL: BBPL/MD-25/2025/202

Date: March 6,2025

Notice Calling Annual General Meeting


This is to notify all the valued Shareholders that the 40th Annual General Meeting of Bhutan Board Products Limited will be held on 28th March 2025 in the Conference Hall of Ro-Chog Pel Hotel, Thimphu at 2.00pm to transact the following business:

  1. Consideration and approval of the audited accounts for the year ended 31st December 2024 along with the Auditor’s Report and Director’s Report
  2. Declaration of dividend, if any
  3. Appointment and reappointment of Directors
  4. Remuneration of Chief Executive Officer and Directors
  5. Any other business delivered by the Shareholders within seven days prior to the meeting

All the Shareholders are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting in person or by proxy on the date, place and time mentioned above. The Proxy Form is available from the office on demand or can be downloaded from our website(

In order to facilitate the management to make arrangement for the meeting, it would be appreciated if written confirmation of the shareholder’s participation is conveyed to the Company Secretary latest by 25th March 2025 through email at [email protected].

For further information, please call us at 17502329 during office hours. 



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